2 – Life Goals.

I’ve been aimless for a long time. Searching for that one goal that I want to work towards. It’s like nothing have been there to push / pull me. Like I’m just passing the day because I ain’t dead yet. Like a zombie, aimlessly walking around, no goals, no mission, nothing. How do people actually find a goal, stick to it and work towards it ? What actually happens after you achieve that particular goal that you wanted all along ? Does another goal comes immediately ? Or do you return to square 1 ? Life questions that can’t be answered, questions that answers aren’t that easily discovered.

I wanted to be a Lawyer last time. It faltered. It wasn’t that strong as when I was a kid. Then I wanted to become a Host, but the reason is utterly ridiculous. To meet those superstars. Why would I want to meet those superstars which I don’t even deem them stars myself ? It’s like me meeting a famous star from another country, with fangirls / boys screaming at him, while I don’t even know who they are screaming their lungs out for. Now that I’m in the Hospitality & Tourism course. The thought of both jobs just went disassembled into smaller pieces.

I’ve always been lazy, lazing around as much as I can. Doing as little things as possible, everything that doesn’t catch my interest, I won’t even bother. I seldom do things because I want, most of the time it is because I need to, no choice. Like going to school, taking the extremely long ride of the bus(its ridiculous).

Sometimes, I just want to sit down at a big patch of grass and just fly a kite. Flying kite is like watching your stress go up high, like giving a pause to life. You know that you have to clear it somehow, but you just want to give life a pause. Hmmmm . It’s been a long time since I last flew a kite. I lost my 40m kite too T_T

Back to the topic, every job have their fair share of stress. Every job have their fair share of audience. Nothing in the world is easy. Everything is difficult to begin with, one just need somebody to assist to allow it to be easier.

Life goals , how many teenagers at my age actually have it ?

With something to protect, the willpower increases, the human will gain strength.

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1 – Taiwan !

First time to Taiwan !

Definitely it’s an exciting trip,

I mean its the first time I’m there,

taking a plane in like 5 years ?

Adding more stamps to the passport too 😀


Taking your luggage out of house and to the bus stop attract eyes of people,

like its so fascinating to see other Singaporeans leaving their country.

I think I would stare at people with luggage too,

Think of where their going, how long they go, rich people maybe ?

It’s really lucky to be able to go overseas despite such fast, cramp, crazy and hectic Singapore’s studying life.

But dinner right before night market is really a problem,

Like you can’t really enjoy the food at night market since you just ate to your fill.

8-course meal every lunch and dinner, + a bowl of soup.

Shilin night market was disappointing, it was so famous,

yet so small only, like bugis street size.

Feng Jia night market is like combination of Ion + many other shopping centres together.

The size of Vivo City and Orchard Road together. Yet, they’re not famous in Singapore. Lol.

Ximending is a food market, like your pasar malam.

But with all the food with quality and design. O.o

Farm stay wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.

They have wifi, aircon, and most stuff in the hotel.

Just that their tradition of not having wifi in the room made everyone camp at the lobby. HAHA !

Though I told myself not to use for the 6 days, I took it out.

Cause there were lectures, L-E-C-T-U-R-E-S.

Between listening and using, obvious winner.

I didn’t even know we had an assignment for the trip.

I thought its just the group project and nothing else. LOL .

Which shocked my teacher who was sitting behind me . HAHAHA !

Have to do it anyway, lucky they were questions that I think is manageable.

Oh well, Taiwan is really fun. Though there wasn’t any thrilling things.

Apart from the One Piece Themed Park which my departure didn’t go.

If only that day wasn’t raining, I think we would have been in it.

Made many friends, mostly girls. HAHA ^^


A pause in life, makes life goes high.



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